Saturday, January 14, 2012

Black pudding anyone??

As I'm preparing to write down my grocery list for the first recipe I am realizing that a little bit of research is going to be needed for a lot of these.  HP sauce? Black pudding? Two rashers of streaky bacon?  What the crap is a rasher??  And of course everything is in metric because us Americans refuse to go along with the rest of the world when it comes to measurements.  So here's what I found:

HP Sauce: HP stands for Houses of Parliament which is the silhouette on the label.  It is the UK's #1 "brown sauce" and I've read that it's used in place of ketchup or "red sauce".  Traditionally it's used on the side with a fried breakfast or any sausage dish.  Vinegary ketchup is how it's described online.  Wonder where I can find that around here?

Black Pudding: oh boy.  I don't know about this... already, haha.  Here's what Wikipedia has to say: Black pudding, blood pudding or blood sausage is a type of sausage made by cooking blood or dried blood with a filler until it is thick enough to congeal when cooled.
I'm assuming that was my mom who commented on my first post... how did you know about blood pudding?  I think black pudding sounds a little easier to stomach!  I swore I would at least try everything.  So this coming week, black pudding here we come!

Rashers of streaky bacon:  Apparently I'm not the only one baffled by this.  I googled "what is a rasher of streaky bacon?" and an American gal asked the same question.  At least I'm not the only clueless one!  Turns out a rasher is a strip of bacon and "streaky bacon" just refers to the type of cut meaning it has more fat running through it.  Mystery solved...

I've added the ingredients to my grocery list so I'll be good to go on Monday when I head to the store.  Hopefully I can find HP sauce or I may have to order it online.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so here we go, blood pudding first thing! Yuk! And of course, you were right, it was me, your mom. Did you forget I'm half scot? We may eat haggus, but we DON'T eat that stuff!!!
    Good luck and happy eating.........
    Love you,
    P.S. I think that sauce is like A-1 steak sauce, kinda like ketchup, but more vinegary.
