Thursday, February 9, 2012

Baby Yorkshire Puds with Creamy Smoked Trout & Horseradish Pate'

When I first read creamy smoked trout I will admit I just about threw up in my mouth.  I was picturing this sloppy runny mess.... not all what it turned out to be!  From now on I will picture "trouty lemony horseradishy cheese ball!"

First I had to hunt down some smoked trout but I did finally find some at more of a specialty supermarket.  After I picked my jaw up from the ground when I looked at the price tag I headed home with fish in hand...

Put about 2/3 of a normal size tub of cream cheese in a bowl and give it a stir with the zest and juice of half a lemon, a few heaped teaspoons of horseradish, most of the chopped chives and salt and pepper.  I assume this would have been easier had my cream cheese been room temperature but patience is a virtue I'm still on working on... haha.  Taste it to make sure it slaps you in the face enough.  This mixture should really have a smoky, salty, hot kick to it because the trout will mellow it out later.

I wasn't ready for the trout to be such an orange color but it smelled fantastic when we opened the package so I was thinking at least we were off to a good start.  The recipe didn't say to heat the fish in a frying pan but the thought of trying to flake cold fish grossed me out for some reason so I enlisted Matt to man the fish station as I kept going with the creamy part of the dish.

Once the skin and any remaining bones are removed, flake the fish into different size pieces and fold it in with a spatula.  Through some plastic wrap over it and let it chill out in the fridge (get it? chill out... ok maybe that was a little dumb :oP) while you get the Yorkies started.

This was waayyy easier than I thought it would be. Before you even get busy with the batter put a thin layer of vegetable oil in the bottom of each mini muffin well (makes about 16) and put this in an oven that's been preheated to full whack. (I think that's one of my fav Jamie-isms) You want that oil so hot it's smoking.  Meanwhile, whisk a couple of eggs, milk, flour and a pinch of salt until it's pretty fluffy.  I got my trusty hand mixer out because my arm got tired after a while.  That thing is hilarious, it has two speeds... turbo and fling everything EVERYWHERE!  I decided turbo would work best for this.  

Once your oil is smoking hot quickly pour the batter almost to the top in each well and pop that back in the oven for about 12 minutes or until golden and fluffy.

Plate that baby up and garnish with the rest of the chives and you've got one heck of a great snack.  

I added a little more fish than the recipe called for but I just didn't want to waste any.  I will never assume the worst when it comes to "creamy" fish of any kind again!

1 comment:

  1. With a pint of Belhaven, I would have been in Heaven!! "The Husband"
    Great job Em!!
